Tento príspevok k vám prinášam v extrémne krátkej dobe. Pochádza totižto zo včerajšieho poobedia a večera, kedy som sa spolu s ďalšími kamarátkami blogerkami a priateľom zúčastnila finále Sapphire Models.
Dresscode bol cocktail a tak som si pôvodne chcela dať na seba čierny overál z Manga, no počasie ma sklamalo. Síce svietilo slniečko a zdalo sa, že bude aj príjemne hriať, no fúkal nepríjemný vietor, ktorý mi nedovoľoval mať holé plecia. Zvíťazila teda táto kombinácia, s ktorou sme sa aj s Dany zladili.
Bol to prvá udalosť tohto typu, na ktorej som sa zúčastnila. Módna prehliadka spojená so súťažou modeliek. Trvala pomerne krátko, pravudpovediac, som čakala, že bude trvať tak 3x dlhšie. Samotné čakanie sa nám zdalo byť omnoho zdĺhavejšie a tak sme si spríjemňovali chvíle blogerským kecaním.
I'm bringing this one post to you in extremely short period of time. I've worn this outfit yesterday when I went to a fashion show of Sapphire Models with my blogger friends and boyfriend.
Dresscode was cocktail and originally I wanted to wear black jumpsuit from Mango but the weather can not be predicted obviously. The sun was shining and it seemed like it was going to be really hot outside but the wind was getting under our skin. This combination won the outfit of the day competition and we actually matched with Dany.
It was my first event like this. A fashion show and competition of models. It felt like we were waiting for the sraer for thousands of hours and the show only lasted a few moments. The waiting was getting on our nerves so we spent the time talking to each other about blogger stuff.
Dresscode was cocktail and originally I wanted to wear black jumpsuit from Mango but the weather can not be predicted obviously. The sun was shining and it seemed like it was going to be really hot outside but the wind was getting under our skin. This combination won the outfit of the day competition and we actually matched with Dany.
It was my first event like this. A fashion show and competition of models. It felt like we were waiting for the sraer for thousands of hours and the show only lasted a few moments. The waiting was getting on our nerves so we spent the time talking to each other about blogger stuff.
shoes - Asos / pants - H&M / top - Zara / jacket - H&M / earrings - ? / purse - LINK
A teraz, keďže mám posledných pár chvíľ nedele, si idem odpočinúť. Pozrieť dobrý film, možno sa niečo naučiť a hlavne užívať si jar. Už som spomínala, že toto počasie ma robí úplnou optimistkou?
Ak si spomínate na príspevok o workshopoch, na ktorých budem, viac info nájdete ešte TU. Budem rada, ak na nejaký z nich prídete, posedíme, dáme si kávu a rozoberieme rôzne veci. Už sa na váš teším! Tak kto príde?
And now I'm heading to chill because it's Sunday. I'll watch some good movies maybe I'll study but mostly I will be enjoying this spring energy. Have I told you how optimistic I feel in this season?
If you remember my post about workshops and want to know some more info the link is HERE. I would be happy if you would come, we'll talk, have a coffe and chit chat. I'm really looking forward to it! So who's comming?
And now I'm heading to chill because it's Sunday. I'll watch some good movies maybe I'll study but mostly I will be enjoying this spring energy. Have I told you how optimistic I feel in this season?
If you remember my post about workshops and want to know some more info the link is HERE. I would be happy if you would come, we'll talk, have a coffe and chit chat. I'm really looking forward to it! So who's comming?
Photos by: Cetys (Nikon D7000)
Úžasné fotky :D
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naprosto nádherný outfit!
Outfit je naozaj krásny:)) veľmi ti to pristane takto ,,nahodená"♡ a 17 by som ti vôbec netipovala!
Hrozně ti to sekne, zamilovala jsem se do těch bot, jsou perfektní :)
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