Po viac ako dvoch týždňoch som tu zase. Nebojte, nezabudla som na blog, akurát som bola v menšom zhone - najskôr dovolenka a hneď po nej som strávila 6 dní na cestách. Spoznala som Holandsko, konkrétne Groningen a Amsterdam, a obe mestá som si okamžite zamilovala. Neviem či to je tým množstvom pekných chlapcov alebo krásneho prostredia.. Každopádne, hneď by som sa tam presťahovala. Nižšie si môžte pozrieť pár fotiek z Holandska a nájdete tam taktiež aj haul z Amsterdamu a Prahy, v ktorej sme sa zastavili cestou na Slovensko. :)
Po viac ako dvoch týždňoch som tu zase. Nebojte, nezabudla som na blog, akurát som bola v menšom zhone - najskôr dovolenka a hneď po nej som strávila 6 dní na cestách. Spoznala som Holandsko, konkrétne Groningen a Amsterdam, a obe mestá som si okamžite zamilovala. Neviem či to je tým množstvom pekných chlapcov alebo krásneho prostredia.. Každopádne, hneď by som sa tam presťahovala. Nižšie si môžte pozrieť pár fotiek z Holandska a nájdete tam taktiež aj haul z Amsterdamu a Prahy, v ktorej sme sa zastavili cestou na Slovensko. :)
I'm back after 2 weeks again. Don't worry I didn't forget about my blog, I was just in a little hurry - at first my vacacion and after that I spent 6 days on the road. I got to know Netherlands, specifically Groningen and Amsterdam and I fell in love with both of the cities. I'm not sure if it's because of the handsome boys or the beautiful landscape..Anyway, I would love to move there. You can check some photos from Netherlands below and you'll also find a haul from Amsterdam and Prague 'cause we were crossing it on the way at home. :)
I'm back after 2 weeks again. Don't worry I didn't forget about my blog, I was just in a little hurry - at first my vacacion and after that I spent 6 days on the road. I got to know Netherlands, specifically Groningen and Amsterdam and I fell in love with both of the cities. I'm not sure if it's because of the handsome boys or the beautiful landscape..Anyway, I would love to move there. You can check some photos from Netherlands below and you'll also find a haul from Amsterdam and Prague 'cause we were crossing it on the way at home. :)
V Groningene som strávila asi najviac času. Toto mesto má okolo 200 000 obyvateľov a z toho až 50000 je študentov. Kanály a bicykle na každom rohu sú preň úplne typické.
I spent most time in Groningen. The city's population is about 200 000 people and over 50000 people are students. Canals and bicycles everywhere are typical for it.
Priznávam, že Amsterdam ma nikdy nelákal, no po tom čo som ho videla sa pre mňa stal jedným z najkrajších miest, aké som kedy videla. Taktiež aj najzaujímavejšie, hlavne keď som sa prešla po Red Lights Street..
I must admit, Amsterdam was never the city I wanted to see, but after I really saw it, Amsterdam became one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. The most interesting for me was Red Lights Street..
Teraz prichádza tá krajšia časť príspevku a tým je haul. Začnem tým, čo som si kúpila v Groningene (tam som navštívila iba Zaru a Pandoru) a Amsterdame. Prahu si nechám na koniec.
Bola som veľmi prekvapená, aké veci som našla v Zare. Tu na Slovensku ich uvidíme možno (MOŽNO) o 3 mesiace.
And now comes the better part of this post and that is haul. I'm starting with the things I bought in Groningen (I visited just Zara and Pandora in here) and Amsterdam. Prague will be the last. I was really surprised about the collection in Zara. In Slovakia we will see it maybe (MAYBE) in 3 months.
Jeseň je tu.
Autumn is here.
3 poschodia neba, iba tak by som popísala tento obchod.
I would describe this shop as 3 floors of heaven.
V tomto obchode som bola prvý krát. Veci sa mi tm veľmi páčili, no nevedela som si nič vybrať tak si to odniesli iba tieto tri maličkosti.
I was for the first time in this shop. I likes the clothes, but I couldn't pick so I just bought these 3 little things.
Jeden z mojich najobľúbenejších obchodov.
One of my favorite shops.
Samé čierne veci. Ale čiernych vecí nie je nikdy dosť!
All black clothes. But I have never enough of black clothes!
Posledný obchod - najlepší obchod. V tomto obchode som strávila najviac času a asi aj minula najviac peňazí.
The last shop - the best shop. In this shop I spent the most time and probably spent the most money, too.
Najviac sa teším asi týmto dvom paletám od Sephory. Už sa teším ako ich budem používať..
Toto je na dnes ale odo mňa všetko. Snažila som sa vám napísať príspevok už dnes (keďže dnes som prišla domov cca pred 3 hodinami), takže dúfam, že sa vám príspevok aj tak páčil. Chcela by som urobiť ešte jeden príspevok do začiatku školy, keďže potom už asi nebudem mať tak veľa času, no blogu sa neprestanem venovať, keďže ma to baví stále viac a viac. Najblížší príspevok bude asi outfitový, alebo možno nejaký tutoriál ako sa nalíčiť/ako sa líčim ja? Nechajte mi vaše názory v komentároch, taktiež mi napíšte ako sa vám páčil dnešný príspevok. Mimochodom, boli ste už v Amsterdame? Ak áno dúfam, že ste si ho zamilovali tak ako ja. Zatiaľ sa majte, vidíme sa pri ďalšom príspevku!
I'm the most excited about these 2 palettes from Sephora. Can't wait to use them!
This is all from me for today. I tried to write this post for you today (because I just came back home about 3 hours ago) so I hope you liked it. I would like to write another post until the school year starts because later when the school starts again I will not have so much time, but I won't stop with my blog because I love it more and more everyday. The next post will be probably about outfits or maybe some tutorial about how to do your makeup/how I do my makeup? Let me know about your opinions in comments, also let me know if you liked today's post. By the way, have you ever been in Amsterdam? If yes, I hope you liked it as much as I did. Bye for now, see you in the next post!
This is all from me for today. I tried to write this post for you today (because I just came back home about 3 hours ago) so I hope you liked it. I would like to write another post until the school year starts because later when the school starts again I will not have so much time, but I won't stop with my blog because I love it more and more everyday. The next post will be probably about outfits or maybe some tutorial about how to do your makeup/how I do my makeup? Let me know about your opinions in comments, also let me know if you liked today's post. By the way, have you ever been in Amsterdam? If yes, I hope you liked it as much as I did. Bye for now, see you in the next post!
Tak ten Amsterdam ti vážně závidím, hned jsem si vzpomněla na TFiOS. ♥ Jinak nejvíce se mi líbí ty světlé jeansy, sukně a ta hnědá paleta od Sephory je fakt top :-)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťveľmi sa mi páči tvoj blog ♥ a chcela by som sa opýtať, aký editor používaš na fotky? lebo máš na nich super efekty :)